tirsdag 12. oktober 2010

Writer's news october 2010

So far I haven't experienced much glamour in my life as an author. After all I'm still in the cathegory "promising", My book is still not published and has no cover. But everything is looking better every day, faith is getting stronger! ;)

A couple of weeks ago I was at a meeting with the publishing house that has shown interest in my novel, a very exciting and interresting experience. It is strange, but nice, to sit around the table with three people who are so positive, and so enthusiastic about what I.m doing. One thing we all agree on: The title! The rest of the story is not so easy...
Allright, it isn't that bad. But some work still needs to be done, I have made loads of rookie mistakes. So I delete and write and delete again. But my team at the publishers are cheering me on, they like the story and they like my language. "This is going to be great", they say. Let's hope they're right!

 "Just hang in there", they say. Hang in there??! As if there's an alternative? I aim to spend the rest of my life writing books so of course I hang in there. Even though the release date keep moving as a fata morgana in the desert it seems?? I drag myself slowly towards the goal- and still I do it with joy! Wish me luck.

So what's my book about? Well it's four years of research in Egypt coming out - I have translated a page for you even though I can not guarantee that exactly THIS page won't be deleted from the final result. Maybe I could name the novel "Diary of an orfi wife???"
-Should we sit down, Kareem interrupted, and laughed at his convincing older brother..
-I mean it! Love is the most important thing in life and it does not wait. When it lands in your hand you must take good care of it, promise me that, honey, Mahmoud said with a wink.
I smiled shyly as Mahmoud showed us into the livingroom. What Mahmoud just said was nice, but it was also true, I thought. No doubt the things people regretted the most was what they had not dared doing, even though they dreamed of it? They thought about it until it was too late. I didn't want to do that mistake. Love had landed now, and if I didn't try, I would never find out...
The three of us sat down in the big white sofa. When I sat back between the pillows I felt as if I was six years old, I almost disappeared in that massive piece of furniture. 
-It's Annes English furniture, Mahmoud explained, somewhat unneccesary.  -She brought them by ship from England to Alexandria, it cost her a fortune to get them through the customs. I suggested she should sell them and buy new furniture here, but she didn't want to. Mahmoud rolled his eyes. -The lady sure knows how she wants it!

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